Wednesday, September 13, 2017

White House 'deeply troubled' by Rohingya crisis

Headline News: "White House 'deeply troubled' by Rohingya crisis"

Now we have learned that a building can not only speak and be quoted in the news, but it can have deeply troubled emotions.

The Capital Building in Washington, D.C., a white house housing the US Congress, was heard to groan in the direction of the White House, but refused further comment.

It is clear now that white houses have great empathy and concern for people in foreign countries, such as the Rohingya in Burma, but they have shown little of it for people in their own country.

You should be careful not to offend white buildings, because all white houses have white privilege and have funding from the Weird Blank.

They can stage a rally on Wall Street to protest any very racist hate speech that you might use about brown houses, yellow houses, black houses, wooden shacks, log cabins, teepees, chalets, or caves.

Saying anything about a white house will in the near future be punishable by being confined in the pitch black basement of a black house with no windows or doors.

If you live in a white house and are one of the privileged LBGMQT group, offending your white house's feelings can get even you confined indefinitely in a rainbow colored house with lovely pastel colored stained glass windows; and you'll never be allowed to play dress up.

If you are one of those offenders who thinks that white privilege means having to work for those who do not have such privilege--BML, MoveOut, PANTYFA, or the JSLPC--you could be pardoned if you confess to that belief while you are still on the rack.

Be very careful about deeply troubling a white house's feelings. It can lead to protests by all of them and to your possibly being incarcerated by the big daddy of them all in Washington, D.C.

You must watch, also, what you say in or around a white dog house or white bird house, as they are being wireless equipped to listen to what you say and report you on
Dogpile and Twitter.

This important current news has been brought to you as a public service by "White Houses Matter" (WHM).

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to houses of any color, living or dead, past, present, or future, is purely coincidental.

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