Thursday, September 14, 2017

WHM UPDATE: Senate health bills struggle to win White House backing

WHM UPDATE: Senate health bills struggle to win White House backing

The latest report from the WSJ about WHM (White Houses Matter) shows that the funding from the Wierld Crank has had its intended effect.

Now, not only can white houses have feelings, but they can back Congressional action if they wish.

Furthermore, Congressional bills, themselves, can struggle for their acceptance and backing by White Houses Matter.

WHM is especially glad that they can use their white house privilege to get much needed protection from Black Houses Matter (BHM) and the very privileged LBGMQT group, if they offend white houses.

Additionally, a rival group has sued to protect its copyrighted and trademarked abbreviation, WHM.

The suit claims that the WHM name has been used from as early as 2008. It was clearly stated then that it be only used to designate their White Horses Matter (WHM) brotherhood.

Their court action is well supported by the members of the Knights in Shining Armor (KSA). They have stated that it is their only means of protection themselves from the fire breathing dragon (see above) when rescuing Lady Gaga.

When hearing about the White Houses Matter attempt to steal their good name, the KSA assembled outside the court house in their full regalia, having swords, white helmets, and breast plates having explicit images of Lady Gaga on them.

Madonna entered her opinion on Twitter saying, "I think it is uncomplimentary to black horses and a very racist statement. Black horses are able to race as well as white ones sometimes. Even so, I would prefer that the knight rescuing me would be on a white horse for old times sake."

The Would Healthy Organization (WHO) has approved the use of bills of lading to assure the delivery of the necessary support from all white houses, including if Trumpery were to be in residence in one.

This important current news has been brought to you as a public service by "White Houses Matter" (WHM).

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to houses or U.S. Senate bills, living or dead, past, present, or future, is purely coincidental.

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