Thursday, January 31, 2019

"Mountain Forest in the Fog" by The Unknown Artist

"Mountain Forest in the Fog," mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

"Ringing Liberty's Bell" by The Unknown Artist

"Ringing Liberty's Bell," mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


"Tartan" by The Unknown Artist

"Tartan," mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist.


Sunday, January 27, 2019

"Sunday" by The Unknown Artist

"Sunday," mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

"Heat Dispelling Cold" by The Unknown Artist

Mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

"Moving Out" by The Unknown Artist

"Moving Out," mixed media computer graphic and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


"Puzzled" by The Unknown Artist

Mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


Sunday, January 20, 2019

"It's Not What, But How, That Matters" by The Unknown Artist

"It's Not What, But How, That Matters," mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


Friday, January 11, 2019

Heavy lifting "Darkness, Cold, and Evil are Non-existences"

Darkness, Cold, and Evil are Non-existences

--------------- Part I --------------

Darkness is dispelled by light. Dispelled means the spell that darkness
appears to have is broken completely. A single candle will light a completely
dark space for a certain distance. Put ten candles in it and the space lighted
will be greater.

Cold is dispelled by heat. Ten candles will warm a rather large area.
Darkness and cold do not have presences, only absences, as darkness is the
absence of light and cold is the absence of heat.

Light and heat have positive presences, and both require energy to exist.
Lighting a fire requires something to burn that provides the source of the
energy for the light and heat of the fire.

So-called evil is an absence of good. It is "live" spelled backwards. Life is a
positive presence and must be the opposite of evil for its continued
existence. Just as light and heat require a source, life requires a source for its
continuing nourishment.

There are many things that work, however, in just the opposite way.
Cleanliness is the absence of dirt. Innocence is the absence of guilt. Justice is
the absence of unfairness. Indifference is the absence of love or hate.
Strength is the absence of weakness.

It cannot be said that heat is the absence of cold or that light is the absence of
darkness, though those conditions do occur.
The stimuli for heat and light have the power to dispel cold and darkness, but
cold and darkness cannot dispel heat and light.

No one knows what life energy is. The same chemicals are in the body
supporting life while growing as when life leaves and decay sets in. Decay is
the opposite of life, and death is no more than the absence of life.

Evil is death's persistence where there is an absence of good. Where life
persists, evil has no power to destroy it. Only when a live entity becomes an
evil entity can it do so temporarily.

Thus, evil is suicide, just as when a fire burns out and only darkness and cold

Believing that evil has any power is simply surrendering to an absence.
Terrorism is no more than the use of fear in an attempt to cause that
surrender. Terrorism is no more than a fraud to gain power over the

Lying is surrender to the false idea that evil has a presence; but any lies told
will have to be supported by other lies that will have to supported by more
lies, and so on ad infinitum. Truth has nothing to do with it, and falsehood
has no presence of its own.

Truth is that which "IS" regardless of what we think it is or wish it to be. All
perceptions are only impressions of the truth, and all are based upon the
inputs of the senses. Thus, the truths that the senses give us are only an
impression of what is real. Perception of an objective reality cannot be more
than an approximation as a result.

To avoid being caught by falsehood, only a subjective reality can suffice.
But that can be based upon falsehood also. To avoid falsehood it is necessary
to recognize that all truth held to be absolute can possibly be only
approximate based upon sensory perceptions, and not absolute.

--------------- Part II --------------

To estimate the relationship between subjective reality, which may be held
personally to be an explanation of truth, and objective reality, reasoning
which purportedly gives a logical, yet always only an estimated,
understanding of such relationship, sensory observable changes in the speed
of light and in the progression of time as related to temperature provides
such a means.

The observable lower limit of temperature is called Absolute Zero
Centigrade. As temperature nears that lowest limit, light has been observed in physical
experiments, from a perspective outside of the experimental device, to travel
much slower than is expected. It has been observed to travel as slowly as 37
miles per hour.

Of course from the perspective inside the experiment in which the light is
being fired at a target, it might still travel at the known speed of
approximately 186,000 miles per second. If it were to take 1 second for the
light to travel to a known target, that target would have to be located about
186,000 miles away.

From an inside-the-experiment perspective, it would take one second to
reach a target about 186,000 miles away. From a perspective outside of it,
depending upon how close the target is and how close to absolute zero the
temperature is that the light must travel through, it could take outside hours,
days, or even thousands of years to reach the target.

When absolute zero is the temperature, light cannot move at all, atoms are
frozen in time as time stops. This indicates that time is a function of
temperature, and, as defined, speed is function of time.

At the other end of the temperature spectrum is an unknown highest one. As
temperature gets closer to that upper limit, if there is one, time is accelerated,
and as a result, from an outside perspective, light travels much, much faster
than observable at Earth temperatures.
When the progression of time is accelerated, from an outside perspective the
times we call "before" and "after" come closer and closer together. At the
hypothetical upper limit there is no gap between before and after, only the
everlasting present.

That hypothetical place is referred to as infinity or eternity. It is the all
encompassing "now" out of which all time originates. Light does not travel
there, as there is no time to allow motion, it simply pervades eternity. Heat
has its source in that eternity; and life results from that source as well.
That is the scientific explanation for the "Creator" of all things. Everything
has had a creator or it would not exist. There is no denying that truth and
staying sane. Everything depends upon the presence of energy from that
source; and the absence of light, heat, and time has no power whatever.

A life spent examining absences is a life wasted.

This what is happening now.


It’s November 22, 2017, and the time has flown since my last writing. The
task, if it could be properly termed one, was described previously as
unplanned but certain. Certainty arises from words that are expressive of
truth that is not of my making, as that would be belief. The certainty to
which I refer is expressed in the words of the Declaration of Independence
where it states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” Self-evident, not
requiring the provision of any evidence, indeed, it is not permitting of any
demand for evidence of its truth. How they knew to say those words all those
years ago has to be assumed to have been an inspiration from some universal
source, named right after them “our Creator.” Those words provide the basis
for the entire development, the fundamentals of the new secular order that
they announced to the world.

Today, those words are greatly ignored in favor of the words that follow
them, which are “that all men are created equal.” This phrase has been
grossly mistaken for a statement of legal and worldly equality. They sprang,
instead, from the requirement to announce that from that time on there would
be not acknowledgment of the divine rights of kings, popes, or any other
human, such as had until then claimed for themselves. The king in Britain
was one such person claiming divine rights and placing himself and his
authority above all other mortals as a result. The Declaration dismisses this
claim of his with the words “all men are created equal,” even kings and
princes and popes not excepted. If they were not stated in it, the claimed
rights of the king of Britain would not have been summarily dismissed, yet
they do more than just put his authority out of reach in any former colonies,
which were then declared to be newly established independent, sovereign
states. They put the world on notice, for the first time in human history, that
the rights endowed by “our Creator” are beyond the scope and authority of
human alienation, infringement, or abridgement.

This was the beginning of an entirely new epoch in human history, one that
began supposedly with the caveman and the barbaric ruler ship by the
strongest man in the group. It progressed into tribalism, and then it
developed into kingdoms ruled by family heritance. The authority of the
caveman to rule over his family and clannish group was based entirely on
human acceptance for the sake of survival. It had no greater basis than
strength and the force of temperament of the leader to keep the clan out of
trouble. If he did not do so, he was replaced, and often it was his son who
took over from him by force. This practice resulted in kings being killed by
their sons, and as a result the followers were afraid to object. A small group
of men controlled the thoughts and beliefs of their kingdom’s subjects.

Thus, when ascending to the top of the preposterous assumption of the right
to dictate, the “divine right of kings,” they had made themselves an equal
with “our Creator,” but with no conscience and no consent given to their
assuming that station. Dictators all through history have used fear to control
and suppress dissent among those in their control, and when getting old or
no longer as effective, they go the way of the caveman whose son killed him
for being incompetent, whether he was or not.

This leads back to my former writing in which I outlined the reasons, as
described by David Hume in his A Treatise of Human Nature in Chapter 4,
for a small group of men to control the much larger number of other men. He
said the following words about the cause of this human condition:
“A master is such-a-one as by his situation, arising either from force
or agreement, has a power of directing in certain particulars the
actions of another, whom we call servant. . . . When a person is
possess'd of any power, there is no more required to convert it into
action, but the exertion of the will; and that in every case is considered
as possible, and in many as probable; especially in the case of
authority, where the obedience of the subject is a pleasure and
advantage to the superior.”i

Specifically stated by Hume were the characteristics that allowed the tyranny
of the few to survive, as it has. He wrote the following impression in another
of his writings previously cited in Chapter 4, titled, “On the First Principles
of Government.”

"Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider human
affairs with a philosophical eye than the easiness with which the many
are governed by the few; and the implicit submission with which men
resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers.
When we enquire by what means this wonder is effected, we shall
find, that, as FORCE is always on the side of the governed, the
governors have nothing to support them but opinion. It is, therefore,
on opinion only that government is founded; and this maxim extends
to the most despotic and most military governments, as well as to the
most free and most popular."ii

Returning to the Declaration’s statement that all men are created equal, such
was stated in direct defiance of the impressions that Hume had described as
based solely in public opinion. From the time of that declaration of selfevident
truth, public opinion shifted to an understanding that kings and
popes are men and die just as all mortals do. They are not above, nor the
providers of, any other human’s inalienable rights to life liberty and their
pursuit of happiness.
Thus, though the war that ensued as a result of that Declaration of
Independence has been thought to be correctly termed as the American
Revolution, and though it was not in the strict legal sense a revolution to take
over the government of Great Britain, but rather a war of secession, it was a
revolution against all forms of tyranny by kings, popes, presidents, judges,
legislators, and any other human assuming the right of dictatorship based
solely upon public opinion.

It was a revolution of the highest order, and public opinion has yet to
perceive the impression that it should have gotten from it as a result. That is
the reason for this new perception to be expressed here, that public
impressions, which create public opinions world wide, might become aware
of the new secular order that began in America in 1776. Though it was
applicable at the time to the new nation they were forming, the principles
defied the history of all nations that had any other form of governance.
Those who traveled to the new country, The United States of America as it
was named in the Articles of Confederation, did not understand this
difference sufficiently. They sensed a new form of freedom from serfdom,
kingly and dictatorial impositions, and religious restrictions upon their rights
of conscience. Yet they did not perceive the depth and breadth of the change
that had caused that new sense of freedom. They did not understand that the
new nation was not just one, but many nations joining together under the
principles stated in the original Declaration of Independence. Public opinion
has never been less informed than it is today. As a result, the ideas that they
arrived with to escape their own countries’ tyranny they brought with them
and assumed them to be still applicable in the USA.

It is due time for the curtain to be lifted on the world’s delusions about the
real basis for freedom for everyone everywhere. There is a new secular order
already in place that has been ignored for all those years. Those who want to
retain or gain more control over this free nation have used subversion and
deception to keep the awareness in their control. They have introduced the
idea that a new world order needs to be implemented, when in fact it has
already been announced and implemented to a limited degree. Thieves will
pretend to be friends, and when no one is looking take your most valued
possessions away while telling you they got misplaced somehow. The
freedom of the secular order that is now almost 250 years old defies their
plans to influence public opinion using the very terms that were originally
used, such as new secular order. If they can steal the essence and replace it
with false ideas that public opinion will not necessarily accept if they see the
truth, they will have taken the impression away using the words

That is what has happened since about 100 years ago when the immigration
from Europe increased due to the prosperity and liberty to pursue your own
happiness having gotten well known. No one can blame them for wanting to
be part of it. But everyone who came with the idea of destroying the greatest
opportunities for all by taking control using false doctrines and deceptive
persuasions are not to be pardoned for such inhumanity. They are the
promoters of their own agendas and their own selfish control using public
opinion, just as the kings, popes, and presidents have done elsewhere
On the positive side of this apparently extreme difficulty, time will abide.
Progress is made on square wheels, and when the masses pull them up
finally onto one of their corners, the continuation of time’s ways will pull
them over onto the last part of the procession pulling below. That is how
things progress in time, and now the wheels are on their corners and ready to
fall on those at the rear of civilized progress least aware of the danger.
Those who think that the wheels are theirs to control, just as they believe
everything is, are not among the real leaders into the future for man. They
are just in the rear of the crowd using their whips and chains of utter
falsehood to urge the masses’ public opinions on to their own demise, and
they think it is all for the good of their planned takeover and dictatorship of
the world. When the wheels finally fall this time, their tribal consciousness
will be completely dismissed along with the divine right of kings. A clean
sweep will result, and principles will prevail once more.
i David Hume, A TREATISE OF HUMAN NATURE, Being An Attempt to
introduce the experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects,
BOOK 1: OF THE UNDERSTANDING, 1739-40, found at
ii David Hume, On the First Principles of Government, found at

Friday, January 4, 2019

Brazil's Bolsonaro begins starts firing 'left-wing' public servants

Now, this is a man who puts his actions where his mouth is. He is a former paratrooper and knows how to fight the Communist/socialist/leftist/collectivist subversives that have ruined his country for 30 years. This is what Trumpery should be doing, but isn't. Of course, with his background and being a member of the NYC tribe for so long, it is not surprising. Besides, he has never been in the military and fought for freedom at his own risk.
Brazil's Bolsonaro begins starts firing 'left-wing' public servants

Swirling Art just for fun

"Seeing a Bright Future" by The Unknown Artist

"Seeing a Bright Future," mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas by The Unknown Artist


Thursday, January 3, 2019

"Target of Affection" by The Unknown Artist

"Target of Affection," mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

"Sitting by The Flume Gorge at Franconia Notch, NH" by The Unknown Artist

"Sitting by The Flume Gorge at Franconia Notch, NH," mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"Purple Haze" by The Unknown Artist

"Purple Haze" (seen on the afternoon of January 1, 2019), mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


"2019-01-01 New Year's Crystal Ball" by The Unknown Artist

"2019-01-01 New Year's Crystal Ball," mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas art by The Unknown Artist


Which is it, Wall Street?

As a 2019 Happy New Year gift, on December 31, 2018, Wall Street decided to announce their 2019 implementation of a new method to fool the gullible public. They have announced the adoption of the practice of Trumpery, which they have seen worked so well prior to now. They can't beat Trumpery, so they have decided to join in the game. 

An example of this means being used to fool everyone in the world comes on the same day as their announcement, when Trumpery today announced a shift from immediate withdrawal of all US forces from Syria, where they did not belong anyway, to a slow withdrawal. Next, we will be told that they won't all be withdrawn, so what was the first announcement's purpose except to fool everyone everywhere, including "Mad Dog" Mattis, who belongs in the pound anyway.

The Wall Street Journal has taken on the nasty task of letting everyone know what to expect from Wall Street in 2019. It posted two reports, shown below, on December 31, 2018, as you can see below the report summaries.