Friday, February 24, 2017

Sir Schlock Heims and the Matter of Little Consequence by The Unknown Author

Here is a link to Sir Schlock Heims and the "Matter of Little Consequence," a rather lengthy Sherlock Holmes parody set in the present.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Portrait of the Golden Crystal Lady

This is the finished painting done at the request of the lady depicted. Nothing is normal about it to me. It has defied being photographed, as the colors are such that the camera cannot get them all right at the same time. This photo was taken on an angle with flash used, which would reflect and wash out every picture taken when straight on. So this way the colors are approximately right. It is oil on canvas, 60 cm by 40 cm. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Getting Ready for Spring in Advance

The Unknown Author posted an unfinished poem called, "Deaf, Blind, and Dumb." Not to contradict that title, though, when the poem got finished as it is below, the importance of seasons is made clear in it. 
According to the meteorological season calendar, as opposed to the equinox season calendar, meteorological spring will begin on 01 March 2017 and ends on 31 May 2017. In that calendar, the meteorological seasons consist of splitting the seasons into four periods made up of three months each. These seasons are split to coincide with our Gregorian calendar making it easier for meteorological observing and forecasting to compare seasonal and monthly statistics. 
But the more familiar astronomical calendar has spring beginning on 20 March 2017 and ending on 20 June 2017.
The astronomical calendar determines the seasons due to the 23.5 degree tilt of the Earth's rotational axis in relation to its orbit around the sun. Both equinoxes and solstices are related to the Earth's orbit around the sun.
Now that you have been educated, as was I, by the "veddy" British discussion at, let's get to the poem. You will see that it does matter which calendar determines which day each season begins. Take your pick.

Deaf, Blind and Dumb - A poem by The Unknown Author

When I was much younger, like a little Tom Thumb,
I knew putting in my finger could pull out a plum.
But I've been made wiser, like old Rip Van Winkle,
And I've seen so often I can barely hear a tinkle.

My knowing it all then, like a Bunyan named Paul,
Finally taught me I know nothing, nothing at all.
Sometimes now I wonder if the time's sure to come,
When I can say nothing to be deaf, blind, AND dumb.

But seasons keep spinning 'Round a Mulberry Bush,
When thinking I'd stop they always gave me a push.
Running round like a mouse in Hickory Dickery Dock,
The hands got me dizzy until I saw it was a clock.

When time got me older, and I passed Jack and Jill,
Time forced me to meet her at the top of that hill.
She talked 'round in circles like hands of a clock,
Yet what I said she remembered so always could mock.

When I'd heard all, like Seashells by the Seashore,
She began juggling new things, so sure not to bore.
Time became her helper, and they made me feel sure,
Knowing nothing had been better, it's my only cure.

Life's Seasons fall down, like ol' Humpty Dumpty,
They give us rewards and sometimes some Trumpery.
And if when it's the season to be ready for Fall,
If you're just Spring-ready, like Humpty you'll fall.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

New Art by The Unknown Artist 2017-02-19

This is a new piece just created, as before using mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas. It is called "Bedouin Warrior Riding His War Camel." The camel Bedouin (they are divided into three types by their use of animals, camel, goat, and horse) are, or once were, a nomadic tribe roaming in, and pretty much controlling, the biggest areas of the deserts in Arabia, Sahara, and other such uninhabitable places. Now they have been reduced to being construction workers or other menial laborers, and the governments no longer permit them to be nomadic. They were once a fierce and closely knit group who were feared by the more gentle settlements surrounding the desert, which they used to raid. 

This picture depicts a remembrance of their life in that former proud time. My mother visited the Bedouins in the 1920's in one of their normal places, don't know now which one, and they liked her enough to give her a curved war dagger that was coated with a deadly poison. She gave it to me when I was quite young, but, unfortunately, it has gotten lost in my shuffles of time. Perhaps this remembrance by art will partially thank them for their kindness to my mother.

"Shiny, new" rubbish that doesn't work: Google+

Here is what is going on with others as seen on the blogger community help page. These are only two, but there are more.

dw1nurm1j4y4nt0 said:

share g+ community on blogspot was Error 
you can share on G+ manually
berst Regards,
Girilaya Real Groups

Geoff Cooper's profile photo
Feb 18

Geoff Cooper said:

Many people are having the same problem sharing to google+, there are some other threads reporting this in the forum.  So far, although it has been reported to Google it has not been fixed.  I has not been working correctly for me for the last 5 days.  I had to manually share to google+ by going to each community in turn and sharing from there.
See why I am on strike yet?

New Art by The Unknown Artist 2017-02-18

Here is a new piece created as before using mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas , and it's called "Egypt." Saw a quote from Da Vinci online today, "Painting is poetry being seen, and poetry is painting being felt." That might not be an exact quote, but close enough for the point. This picture is clearly not a realistic one, so it is a poetic one perhaps.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

New Art by The Unknown Artist 2017-02-18

Here is a new piece created as before using mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas, and it's called "Following the Tracks." 

Friday, February 17, 2017

New Art by The Unknown Artist 2017-02-17

Here are 2 new artworks created, as before, using mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas. 
This first one is called "Beaver Hunter." In it, the beaver is the hunter, not the hunted.

The second on is called "Blue Line Highway," a name taken from road maps.

As a painter of quantum realism, a way that does not permit of planning, to paint a portrait is to leave out the quantum aspect if planning is used. Thus, the portrait must simply occur as the painting develops. Below is the only such portrait that The Unknown Artist has ever done, even though portraits have occurred in other paintings and realistic images have appeared as well. The photograph below was taken when unfinished.
This portrait was requested by the lady depicted in it, and it is named, accordingly, "Portrait of Golden Crystal Lady." 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

New Art by The Unknown Artist 2017-02-15

Here are 2 new artworks not posted on Google+, created, as before, using mixed media computer graphics and oil on canvas. 

This first one is called "Bird Fish Love."

This next one is called "Two Girls Bathing."

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Every now and then an opportunity arrives to say what the problem is with facegook. But it seems that it may not to be so easily denied. Here below is a story about the benefits of using it. 

The Unknown Artist does not and has not used facegook or any teater (not for a long time now of course).

He is carefully circumspect about his face and too old now for teaters, but Don Trumpery still uses his teater, and that makes him very suspect. 

Putting gook on your face is only for girls anyway.The story tells us, nonetheless, that there is a secret benefit even for men. 

The most important think to note is that in the last paragraph it is stated that Google +1s are banned at the gates. That is surely understandable, especially with the "shiny new version" having been forced upon all formerly loyal fans of G+. 

That may explain the exception, but Bitcoin is not allowed in also, after all it is just fake money that you have to buy using fake money, so there is nothing about any of it that is backed by anything of real value.

Take a look, and see what y'all think. The Unknown Artist is not all sure that the representative is really representing Heaven and not just a robot pretending to be the chosen one in that position for the benefit of Mark Suckerberg, who was really born Jacob Michael Greenberg

So here's the story from the Babylon Bee, y'all, and after it a picture of Suckerberg in the flesh when he had to use his real name after being arrested some years ago.

Confirmed: Facebook ‘Likes’ Redeemable For Treasures In Heaven

HEAVEN—A statement from on high confirmed Wednesday that Facebook “likes” garnered on one’s posts during time spent on earth are fully redeemable for treasures in heaven.

“Every like and share you get on your posts are just more treasures stored up for you here in your eternal home, where moths can’t destroy and thieves can’t steal,” a heavenly messenger said. “So we would advise Christians to really try to get as many people as possible to like all of their posts.”

“Try throwing some memes up there. Those are popular,” the representative added. “Also, it always helps to add ‘feel free to like, comment, and share!’ when you update your status.”

The move confirms what many followers of Christ had already suspected, that getting as many people as possible to voice their approval of pictures, videos, and clever Facebook posts would be eternally valuable.

At publishing time, the rep had also confirmed the Kingdom of Heaven would be publishing the going exchange rates for retweets, Instagram likes, and Snapchat followers. Bitcoin and Google +1s are reportedly being turned down at the gates.

--- end of Babylon Bee report ---

This e

Sunday, February 12, 2017

This may be seen as going too far, but when thinking a bit deeper, it is apparent that France now needs it more than the USA does. They have gone overboard without the symbolism. Take a look at this news from Babylon Bee, a site you can trust to give you the latest and greatest funny stories from the world of disbelief.
Trump Accidentally Deports the Statue of Liberty
The attempt to get away from Google+, the new version I abhor, I have decided to give Blogger a try. Here is a rework of a previously posted painting, "Cock of the Roost," but turned vertically and framed differently. It is mixed media, computer graphics and oil on canvas, as before.

If this new way of showing my art on the internet works alright, in addition to art I can add text that will be fiction sometimes, and other times a comment about the art included. At this point it is experimental, and hopefully satisfies the requirements that Google+ used to satisfy.