Monday, October 8, 2018

Kavanaugh's Senate Confirmation according to their script

Following the script of Disney's "Alice in Wonderland" to a Tea, Bret wanders into the Senate Judiciary hearing, and the following scripted dialog was then followed:

At the hearing table are Republicrat Jeff "Flakey" (Sen. from Arizona), who is playing the part of the Mad Hatter. And beside him sits Demopublican Diane "FineCups" (Sen. from California), who is playing the part of the March Hare.

Bret sees them celebrating happily together and wishing each other a "Happy un-Supreme Court cloture vote day" with a chorus of other Senate members and MSM reporters accompanying them, singing from testimony pots.

Bret sits down and watches, and when the song ends, he claps, and Flakey and FineCups notice him and say, "No room, no room."

Bret says: But I thought there was plenty of room.

FineCups says: Ahh, but it is very rude to sit down without being invited.

Flakey adds: I'll say its rude, [pointing at Bret] it's very, very rude indeed.

One of the MSM reporters, playing the part of the mouse in a teapot, sticks his head up and says, "It's very, very, very rude indeed," and sinks back down into the pot.

Bret say: Well, I am very sorry, but I did enjoy your singing and wonder if you could tell me . . . .

FineCups [interrupting him] says: You enjoyed our singing?

Flakey says: Oh, what a delightful child. I got so excited. We never get compliments. You must have a cup of tease.

FineCups says: Ah yes, indeed, a tease, you must have a cup of tease.

Bret says: That would be very nice. I'm sorry I interrupted your Supreme Court cloture vote day party.

FineCups says [with a chuckle] Supreme Court cloture vote day? Oh, my dear child, this is not a Supreme Court cloture vote day party.

Flakey says: Of course not. This is an un-Supreme Court cloture vote day party.

Bret says: Un-Supreme Court cloture vote day? Well, I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand.

FineCups says: An un-Supreme Court cloture vote day is like, ... thirty days has Sep . . . no, well, an un-Supreme Court cloture vote day, if you have a Supreme Court cloture vote day and then you . . . [snickers] She doesn't know what an un-Supreme Court cloture vote day is.

Flakey says: How silly. Ahh shall elucidate. [the chorus of Senators and MSM reporters in tease pots start singing as FineCups directs them]

Flakey continues: Our statistic prove, prove that you've got one Supreme Court cloture vote day.

FineCups adds: Imagine that . . . one Supreme Court cloture vote day every year.

Flakey continues: Ahhhh, but there are three hundred and sixty four uuunnn-Supreme Court cloture vote days.

FineCups [still directing the chorus of Senators] says: Exactly why we've gathered here to cheer.

Bret happily says: Why, then its my un-Supreme Court cloture vote day too.

FineCups says: It is?

Flakey adds: What a small world this is.

FineCups says: In that case . . .

Both FineCups and Flakey start dancing around Bret singing: Aaaaaa very un-Supreme Court cloture vote day . . .

Bret [singing with them] says: To me?

FineCups and Flakey sing: To you. Aaaaaa very un-Supreme Court cloture vote day . . .

Bret [singing with them] says: For me?

Flakey says: For you, now blow the candle out, my dear, and make your wish come true.

When Bret blows out the candle, it flies into the air with fireworks as they sing "A very un-Supreme Court cloture vote day to you."

The MSM media mouse descends from the explosing fireworks singing, "Twinkle, twinkle little spot, up above the world you fly, like a twinkle in the sky," and goes back into a tease pot.

Bret claps and says: Oh, that was lovely.

Flakey says: And uh, and now my dear, you were saying that you would like to seek . . . and you were seeking some information of some kind.

Bret says: Oh yes, you see I'm looking for . . .

Flakey interrupts Bret and says: Clean evidence! Clean evidence! Move downnnnnnnn!

Bret says: But I haven't used my evidence.

FineCups sings: Clean evidence, clean evidence, move down, move down, clean evidence, clean evidence, move down.

Flakey says to Bret: Would you like to give a little more testimony?

Bret says: Well, I haven't given any yet, so a can't say a little bit more.

FineCups says: Ah you mean, you can't say a little bit less.

Flakey says: Yes, you can always give more of something.

Bret says: But I didn't know . . .

Flakey says: And now, my dear, something seems to be troubling you. Ahh, won't you tell us all about it?

FineCups says: Start at the beginning.

Flakey says: Yes, ahh, and when you come to the end [chuckles] . . . stop.

Bret says: Well, It all started while I was sitting in the Oral Orifice with Donald.

FineCups says: Verry Interrresting, . . . who's Donald?

Bret says: Well, Donald is my POTUS. You see . . .

At this, the MSM reporter [on que] jumps out of his testimony pot yelling "POTUS" and runs across the Senate Hearing room breaking all the decorum with the cheers of those paid Soreass protesters in the balcony.
When the Capitol Police have caught him and put him back in his testimony pot, FineCups says, "Get the cam!" and that appears to calm the MSM reporter down.

Flakey says: Oh, humpf, those are the things that upset me.

FineCups says: See all the trouble you've started?

Bret says: Well, I didn't think . . .

FineCups says: That's the point. If you don't think you shouldn't talk.

Flakey shouts: Clean evidence! Clean evidence! Move down! Move down! Move downnnnnnnn!

Bret objects: But I didn't . . .

FineCups says: Move down.

Flakey says: And now, my dear, as you were saying . . .

Bret says: Oh yes, I was sitting in the Oral Orifice with uh . . . with you know who.

Flakey says: I do! ha ha ha.

Bret continues: I mean my POT . . .

Flakey says: "T!"

FineCups says: In just a half an hour, if you don't mind.

Flakey says: Come, come, my dear, don't you care for testimony.

Bret says: Oh yes, I am very fond of testimony. But . . .

FineCups says: If you don't care for testimony, at least make polite conversation.

Bret says in a raised voice: Well, I have been trying to ask you . . .

FineCups bangs the gavel on the bench and says: I have an excellent idea. Let's change the subject.

At this FineCups hits Flakey over the head with the gavel. He awakens and says: Why is a raving Repulicrat like a right wing Demopublican?

Bret says: Riddles? Let me see now. Why is a raving Repulicrat like a right wing Demopublican?

Flakey says: I beg your pardon.

Bret repeats: Why is a raving Repulicrat like a right wing Demopublican?

Flakey goes into shock and shouts: Why is a what?

FineCups runs over behind Flakey and says: He's stark raving mad.

Bret, having had enough, stands and says: But its your silly riddle. You just said . . .

FineCups says: Have a nice bit of testimony.

Bret says: A nice bit of testimony indeed! I'm sorry, but I just haven't the time.

He turns to leave the hearing room when FineCups yells: The time, who's got the time.

At this que the plaintiff, Ms Rabid, who plays the part of White Rabbit, runs in saying "No time, no time, hello, goodbye, I'm late.

Bret says: The White Rabid . . .

Ms Rabid says: Oh, I'm so late.

Flakey says: Well, no wonder you're late now. Your testimony is exactly thirty-six years slow.

Ms Rabid says: Thirty-six years slow?

Flakey says: Of course you're late. Ha ha ha. Oh my goodness, we'll have to look into this. Ahaa, I see what's wrong with this. Why this testimony is full of deals.

Ms Rabid says: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, you're kidding, but, but, but, but, but. . .

Flakey says: But hers, but hers, it needs some rebutters. [shouting] Rebutters!

Ms Rabid says: But, but, but, rebutters?

Flakey says: Oh let's see, rebutters, that's fine.

Ms Rabid says: No, no, no.

Flakey says: These are the best rebutters. [to Ms Rabid he says] What are you talking about?

FineCups says: "T?"

Flakey says: "T." Oh I never thought of testimony. Of course.

Ms Rabid says: Not testimony.

FineCups says: Schummer?

Flakey says: Schummer. Yes, two looneys, yes, two looneys, thank you, yes.

Ms Rabid says: Don't cram, be careful.

Flakey says: I forgot all about Graham.

FineCups says: Bluster?

Flakey says: Bluster, yes, bluster! . . . [changing his mind] Don't let's be silly. Kremlin that's . . . ha ha ha.

Flakey bangs his hand on the table and says: That should do it.

To the pretended shock of the Judiciary Committee, the hearing room disrupts in chaos until FineCups bangs the gavel saying "There is only one way to restore order."

Flakey says to Ms Rabid: Thirty-six years late, that's what it is.

Ms Rabid says: Oh, my testimony.

Flakey says: It was?

Ms Rabid says: And it was an un-Supreme Court cloture vote day for me.

Flakey and FineCups throw Ms Rabid out of the hearing rooms while singing "A very merry un-Supreme Court cloture vote day to you."

Bret follows Ms Rabid saying: Ms Rabid, oh Ms Rabid, aaah, now where did she go to?

Bret [looking back at the Senators singing together] says: Of all the silly nonsense. This is the stupidest Senate Judiciary Supreme Court cloture vote day session I've ever been to in all my life.

Bret storms off.

The script ended here. But he is sworn in twice (?) when the Constitution only requires it once.

This script has worked very well for all those conspiring, colluding Demopublican and Republicrat politicians. Hey, that's entertainment, and what better way than to use a Disney script to divide and conquer the public before an election? Get everyone to believe that they are actually opposing parties and the scam becomes successful.

This might seem as though it is a satire, but it is the truth behind their political agitation propaganda battle.

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