Friday, July 20, 2018

Collusion takes and has taken many forms

Collusion, opposed to conspiracy, is the act of cooperating for a common purpose each colluding party has.
The media commonly colludes. Henry Kissinger colluded all the time, though he denied using collusion at the testimony he gave to the Congressional committee, supposedly, but not really, investigating the missing service men from the Vietnam Conflict (not war as it was not declared one). Trumpery is collusion in action using deceit. So, what about FDR, Stalin, and Churchill? Collusion again, but no one noticed that then. They were all in it for the common purpose of promoting the use of war as an instrument of international policy. They were there at their great conferences in the 1940's to discuss how they could collude without anyone seeing it.

Now we have Trumpery using another form of collusion similar to that of Churchill's and for the same reason: the promotion and defense of Zionism. The cartoons below illustrate the fact in the year 2018 the same oblivion does not pervade the public mind that it did during the scam WWII promoted by FDR and supported by Churchill to help FDR's good buddy Stalin.

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