Sunday, April 30, 2017

Essay on the "Stanley Hypothesis"

On April 28, 2017, +John Stanley postulated on Google+:

"Mathematics is not a substitute for observable, measurable

and repeatable scientific experimentation."

This is an excellent hypothesis to test without the use of

mathematics, so it shall be done. It is called

hereinafter the "Stanley Hypothesis."

In this essay we may go into semantics, etymology,

grammar, theories, and measurements. It has no intention of

staying on the subject being examined, so one must be

willing to suspend attention to that subject and then

return to it once the distraction is complete. It goes back

into ancient history, or at least what is said to be that,

to show the fallibility of ideas that came hence from

thence. (a little poetic alliteration is permitted)

For an example of the latter, the story of Descarte having

announced that he thinks, therefore, he is, is not an

accurate one. It was really a drunk Frenchman in a winery,

who went by the name nickname "Des Cartes" due to his

always losing at cards and proclaiming that it was the

fault of "des cards" (that is French for "the cards.") One

day this drunk French card player was so out of it that

those in the winery started to worry. They asked him (but

in French), "Are you alright?" He lifted his besotted head

and said, "I think I am, so I am." That was translated and

abbreviated across time into the brilliant philosophical

axiom "I think, therefore I am." So, it is plain to see

that not all highly acclaimed proclamations of now famous

drunks are necessarily accurate.

This brings us to the meaning of the word "accurate." There

is another word that is often confused with it, and that is

"precise." Accuracy and precision are related as cousins,

but not the same girls. The former has to do with being

careful when making decisions, such as in measuring things,

and the latter is the amount of care that is taken, such as

when using inches, millimeters, decimeters, meters, miles,

feet, yards, and even light years. Being precise in making

distance measurements to the nearest light year is not very

close to being usefully accurate when measuring a room for

a carpet, but too precise if using the closest millimeter

for that purpose. That subject will be discussed further

herein a bit further on.

That last sentence ended in a preposition, which is not

permitted when using proper grammatical posturing. It was

not overlooked by this essayist, however, that "later on"

is as soon as "further on" is distant. The adage that once

in a while occurs only once means that a while can be as

long as your "later on" allows before it does. As is

"observable" (one of the Stanley Hypothesis criteria),

these sentences do not end in prepositions, even though

they use "on" several times in them. This proves the value

of prepositions used anywhere and anytime.

Now let's examine the idea of a light year. That is claimed

to be the distance that light travels in one year, so it is

a measurement of distance and not of time. It has been

observed, measured, and repeatedly shown that when

approaching the temperature of what is called "Absolute

Zero," everything slows down and will stop if it ever gets

there. In short, time stops, and nothing can move. The

opposite of this observed and measured and repeated

scientific experimental fact is if the temperature goes up,

light accelerates with it. That is why when an explosion of

some kind happens, there is a high speed flash of light.

The temperature at the center of the explosion is quickly

fired out into the cooler surrounding air, and that is what

makes the sound so loud. As the progression of time at the

center has to slow back down to that of the air, it makes a

big bang that can surely be heard in the sound waves


If it were not for this observable, measurable, and

repeatable result, a jet engine would not work. It is the

difference in temperature between the gases being burned

and their surroundings outside the engine that make the

energy to propel the aircraft. So really, speaking

accurately about this, time is what makes it move. Time in

the center of the engine's combustion chambers is moving

faster than in the surroundings, and it has to slow down

back to the speed that it progresses at the outside. This

it does very forcefully.

A light year is stated to be a measurable distance, but

how is that possible when the light is traveling through

various temperatures on the way to the Earth that are not

known to science? It does not travel in the same time warp

all the time, and light from different stars is traveling

in different time warps. At each temperature gradient, they

are going the speed of light, obviously, but speed is

composed of distance and time. If the speed of the

progression of time varies, the distance traveled at a

constant speed must also. To keep the speed of light a

constant, when the distance is the same but the time it

takes to get there is different depending upon temperature,

there is a difference between the outside observer's time

warp and the one at the center of the light. A light year

is a different distance depending upon the location of

those observing the variables, and as such it is a very

uncertain tool for expressing "measurable and repeatable

scientific" results of experimentation.

Even if it were not, let's suppose that the PhD astronomers

say that a star is some 50 to 100 light years away. This

brings up a bit of ancient history. The term "PhD" derives

from the initials of the little known Greek doctor of

witchcraft medicine, Philo Hypocritus Dungstudy. He decided

that he needed a way to determine if one of his patients

had a fever or a chill. He started by putting his hand

under a large pile of sheep dung and sensing the

temperature there. Then he put it under a shorter pile and

did the same. He noticed that the large pile retained the

heat longer than the short one. This gave him the idea of

temperature being based upon the height of the pile of

dung, but it did not tell him what human temperatures

should be when sick or well and so could not be used as a


Next he tried putting the same accurately measured amount

of water in his hand when he had a fever and then when he

was well, but nothing was measurably different in the

height of the water. When he discovered that the liquid

called mercury did change depending upon his health, he

thought he could then develop the first thermometer. His

problem was how to use this new discovery. By putting the

mercury in a tube, he could see its height better than in

his palm. So, after repeated experimentation, he was able

to decide how the mercury should rise in the tube when he

was well. If it was below that he was having a chill and

above that he had a fever. Unfortunately, the doctor died

of mercury poisoning before his invention was patented by

the company named Merck, after mercury, of course. After

his death, his name is recalled as the doctor of "Piled

higher and Deeper" fame, who had discovered the observable

effect of temperature on time when his ran out.

Now let's get back to the light year distance measurements

without having any thermometers to measure the temperatures

in which the light travels. How do the PhDs know that? If

it takes 50 years, or so, for the light to reach earth,  it

would take 50 years to send a laser beam up to the star,

hit a reflecting mirror, and then another 50 years for it

to be reflected back to Earth. Those guys would be long

gone by then. And a star at 50 light years distance is a

close one according to their proclaimed observations. Oh,

and one more thing, who put the reflecting mirror on the

star, and how did they keep it from melting?

The Stanley Hypothesis has been tested and found to be true

as long as "Des Cartes" and PhDs don't get into it. But

observable, measurable and repeatable scientific

experimentation with light years as measurements of

distance are as real as the troll under the bridge when the

three Billy Goats Gruff went to cross it. This essay is the

third Billy Goat who charged that troll with lowered horns

and send him into the river never to be seen again, not

even once in a while. And so on.

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