Tuesday, June 18, 2024

How to Clean and Renovate a Politician

How to Clean and Renovate a Politician

by The Unknown Author

Just as every functioning thing requires maintenance, politicians are no exception. An engine is kept running much long and much better if it is kept clean and well-oiled.

But even when daily maintenance is kept up, an engine, as well as a politician, needs a major overhaul and cleanup of internal workings. This is an examination of the process to be used for the long-term maintenance of politicians to keep them working at their politically damn best.

The cause of this requirement can be seen in the gradual build up of corruption within that makes its way outward and becomes a problem that can be observed by others. At first, only the politician knows, and to keep it well-hidden from his constituents, he begins to put on a cheerful demeanor and an arrogant self-assurance.

When a young person, the striving politician begins by attempting to increase the attention drawn to himself, or herself as the case may be. The growing notice diverts the politician's attention and causes an ignoring of important inner development. The strength of character thus ignored will be needed ultimately to prolong the period before a major overhaul is required. Being young and energetic, the young politician does not realize the price of such ignorance.

Then, as a result of gaining a higher and higher political position, when time passes and the severity of consequences increases, all the attention gained earlier becomes a liability of exposure. The earlier lack of inner refinement and of principled design begins to have a greater and greater effect on actions taken or foregone that must not be revealed.

As politicians have very thick skins, they do not regard the growing danger of their inner filth seeping out from inside and hardening like rust on their outsides. To remove such hardened iniquities requires a major cleaning technique and an overhaul of the parts causing them to appear.

For the politician to stop for cleaning and renovation during a major overhaul, it is imperative that he or she be removed from the spotlight of public attention. As the politician's life has been solely in pursuit of that, the only way to cause such removal from attention is to create an insurmountable blockage.

Certain equipment is needed to do so, and the first thing needing to be used is a law suit. This suit is made of Kevlar, a bullet proof material, which makes the suit impenetrable to attacks as well as to self-destructive acts. It is colored black, so as to be less noticeable to anyone that it is being worn as a defense, rather than an attack. If it were red, it could be easily seen and assumed to be a red flag in front of a charging bull, inviting further attacks by those who saw the growing inner filth before the suit was put on.

The law suit quiets the opposition, as the inner corruption becomes covered in a non-reflective black, indicating to them that the end of the politician is near. The entire purpose of the law suit is to allow the cleaning and renovation of the politician out of the public eye. It will be removed as soon as that is completed so that the politician can go back to work again and continue the work in a more effective way and for another longer period.

To compare the political course to a normal person's way, when young the normal course requires learning about the world in a way that foregoes attention until it is earned. As the inner strength of character develops, recognition is gained, but not in the public domain until it is fully developed.

It is often assumed that the politician, prior to the need for renovation and overhaul has earned all the esteem and recognition in the same way, but that is not true. Thus, when the law suit is finally needed, many do not see the cause and consider it an unfair consequence of the politician’s doing well. This causes a reaction against the law suit; but those non-politicians intent on cleaning up the public domain will not be put off by those whom they see as his ignorant friends.

It must be kept in mind that the purpose of the law suit is to take the politician out of the view of the public, both friend and enemy, so that the renovation can be done without exposing what was cleaned off and what was replaced. The barnacles of waste and corruption coming from within the undeveloped character of the politician cannot be allowed to reveal what has been there all along.

The sources and suppliers of the law suit are part of the overhaul process, not to be funeral bearers as assumed. The suit is sponsored and approved by members of the legal profession who, themselves, have a yearning to be of service to a person with such public recognition. It is delivered often by the attorneys general of the various government executive branches or by the police wanting to do their part. They well know in advance that when the suit is not needed, it will be removed, and their assistance will be well regarded by the renewed politician.

During the period in which the law suit is being worn, the politician stays out of the limelight as though quieted by the threat of a court. In fact, the scraping of the waste and filth from the thick skin of the politician takes a bit of time, and though it does not hurt the thick skinned one, it still does require some time to complete.

If the overhaul must go deeper than the skin, the operation to open the inner workings of the politician must be done with utmost secrecy. If any of the inner causes of the rust and corruption on the outside become known to the public, replacing those causes with new or rebuilt parts won't be as effective.

During such operations, just as with an automotive overhaul, certain parts must be replaced with new or rebuilt ones that are of the design created by the original manufacturers. Thus, the gaskets where the build up of foul fluids had seeped out and onto the skin of the politician, causing visible rust and corrosion, must be replaced. The head must be cleaned and the valves and rings checked and replaced as needed. The drive train must be inspected for those weaknesses that could prevent the further serviceability of the politician. And the exhaust system will usually need to be replaced with a new muffler to quiet the nasty sounds that the politician had been making prior to the operation.

All working parts are looked into and replaced with the same type, but with a newer, improved design as needed. Thus, when the operation is completed, the politician is as good or bad as new, but as the parts are from the same sources, the politician’s operating modes will be as before, yet more effective.

We can see that the law suit is the first step toward allowing this kind of renovation and cleaning to be done out of the public eye. We can see, also, that the politician will not be stopped from being one nor become a different type with different inner workings.

This kind of overhaul to clean and renovate a politician has been used repeatedly with great success. It is being done today for the purpose of sanitizing the politicians that have been caught with their rust and corruption build up having been seen by too many.

There is another aspect of this process that has not been mentioned here, and that is the importance of the media playing their part to keep the law suit effectively pacifying the public. It is used to promote the law suit and consequences thereof as recompense due for the corruption and rusty filth already having been noticed on the politician.

When the law suit finally comes off with a shining new politician before the viewing public, the consequences of his prior foul, rancorous actions are soon forgotten in hopes of a better future for all. Forgiveness is given, though no apologies have been forthcoming from the politician for any past misdeeds.

We can expect this kind of cleaning and renovation to continue as long as we do not realize that it is not for our benefit but for that of the politician and the manufacturers of his original working parts. Politicians probably should have a schedule for maintenance just as everything else that is cleaned and renovated has.

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