Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Every now and then an opportunity arrives to say what the problem is with facegook. But it seems that it may not to be so easily denied. Here below is a story about the benefits of using it. 

The Unknown Artist does not and has not used facegook or any teater (not for a long time now of course).

He is carefully circumspect about his face and too old now for teaters, but Don Trumpery still uses his teater, and that makes him very suspect. 

Putting gook on your face is only for girls anyway.The story tells us, nonetheless, that there is a secret benefit even for men. 

The most important think to note is that in the last paragraph it is stated that Google +1s are banned at the gates. That is surely understandable, especially with the "shiny new version" having been forced upon all formerly loyal fans of G+. 

That may explain the exception, but Bitcoin is not allowed in also, after all it is just fake money that you have to buy using fake money, so there is nothing about any of it that is backed by anything of real value.

Take a look, and see what y'all think. The Unknown Artist is not all sure that the representative is really representing Heaven and not just a robot pretending to be the chosen one in that position for the benefit of Mark Suckerberg, who was really born Jacob Michael Greenberg

So here's the story from the Babylon Bee, y'all, and after it a picture of Suckerberg in the flesh when he had to use his real name after being arrested some years ago.

Confirmed: Facebook ‘Likes’ Redeemable For Treasures In Heaven

HEAVEN—A statement from on high confirmed Wednesday that Facebook “likes” garnered on one’s posts during time spent on earth are fully redeemable for treasures in heaven.

“Every like and share you get on your posts are just more treasures stored up for you here in your eternal home, where moths can’t destroy and thieves can’t steal,” a heavenly messenger said. “So we would advise Christians to really try to get as many people as possible to like all of their posts.”

“Try throwing some memes up there. Those are popular,” the representative added. “Also, it always helps to add ‘feel free to like, comment, and share!’ when you update your status.”

The move confirms what many followers of Christ had already suspected, that getting as many people as possible to voice their approval of pictures, videos, and clever Facebook posts would be eternally valuable.

At publishing time, the rep had also confirmed the Kingdom of Heaven would be publishing the going exchange rates for retweets, Instagram likes, and Snapchat followers. Bitcoin and Google +1s are reportedly being turned down at the gates.

--- end of Babylon Bee report ---

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